Panamanian Afro Antillano Cultural influence in Reggaeton.

Quoted Directly From Twitter, Beware of Spooky Typos And Grammatical Errors they may haunt you.

  1. The misconception that Reggaeton went from to is wild to me bc people don’t process that Patois often mistaken as a “broken english” language spoken by a primarily Black population would go to a Spanish-Language country without a buffer bc why? “Latinos unidos?”

  2. Panama was that buffer. & people need to understand this was not long ago! s immigrated to to work on the canal. Shabba Ranks black ass music was a normal thing to listen to in the Shanty’s (houses). Eventually s made music with those riddims in Spanish

  3. It wasn’t accepted, people were prosecuted. It was “underground” but more than that it was the FIRST time these beats met the Spanish Language. OGs from told me they went to in the 90s to study how it was being used

  4. Shabba Ranks ‘dembow’ riddim became the most important/underlying beat of Spanish Reggae and Reggaeton in PR, as well as incorporations of other sounds from bomba and other genres. So with all this said,don’t exclude from the conversation bc yes the hell it was revolutionary-

  5. To take those black riddims and incorporate it with the Spanish Language in the way that WE did. NOBODY wanted to intercept with the sound associated with Patois bc it was never respected, still isn’t. Why is Patois still called “broken English” what about it is broken?

  6. s of descent (myself included) are part of the same sphere separated by generations only. Reread that, process that. My abuelo speaks Patois & Spanish y es un negron. You cant separate from in this context, they’re intertwined bc it is a subculture***

  7. No Latinx wanted to touch that “low-class, delinquent, broken language music” til s remixed it into something of its own AND THEN so on and so forth.

  8. Anddddddd thats all i got for now, I don’t know why/how im awake

9. In the 1980s s were listening to dancehall y ya estábamos haciendo spanish rap” say the whole story then. OGs were traveling to to study the sound. &AGAIN MUSIC MET SPANISHLANGUAGE IN as early as in the 70s w nandoboom w that didnt go viral like el general’s #NEXT

10. SpAnIsH ReGgAe aNd ReGgaEToN aRe TwO dIfFeRrENt GeNrEs ..... tu no tiene nada que hacer? OBVIOUSLY. But remove elements of Reggae from Reggaeton and you’re left with: nothing close. Dejan el maldito relajo

11. s want credit 1. 1st to sing music in Spanish. 2. Recognition that other countries were too racist to touch this music w a 10 ft pole 3. were the first to explore this genre in ways that opened doors for others 4. 5. +etc Subcultures

12. Last thing i’ll say—Everyone isnt on the same page clearly w Reggaeton. Everyone didn’t grow up w access to information regarding the roots, it’s been erased, blurred, skipped over so of course there’s tension. Its cringy when ppl say Reggaeton is 100%only.. its not.

13. Because by saying that you’re erasing black*ricans contributions to the genre too. Remember, there are underground ricans who were/are DOPE &arent big bc the industry didnt help THEM grow*

14. Please help a negra out and: Subscribe:

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How Did Music Travel From PanamA To Puerto Rico?